Thursday, 24 March 2011

4. Be thinker:-

4. Be thinker:-

By now tried to speak in public on a theme which you do not hegemony? Were the results undoubtedly very disappointing, not? But by now spoke about your greater passion? Of something which was really vital for you? Of a theme which you docharisma2 4 Keys of the Charisma hegemony on the end of the fingers, of which you know the least details? Of a theme which packed you, which exaltation you, transported you? I will bet that the reactions were better. Passion can transform no topic whom into Cyrano, developing its theme with a miserliness such as it is impossible not to be packed. At the time of a conference, the most fascinating lecturer is always that which is interested by that about which it speaks. That is known, because that feels.
That you devises on the stamps, your pool of insects or your holidays with the ski, since your theme really impassions you, you will manage to involve your audience. An impassioned lecturer communicates an incredible life about it, and releases a powerful energy which radiates nearly him.
Passion is an exceptional means of jab rocket its charm, because it confers power, it is able to transform a timid person into exciting interlocutor. That which is impassioned, because it is very interested, takes all the advent of somebody of fascinating, and this is why it is able to attract crowd. But more than passion, it is the thought which confers the most charm. Reckon of the politicians who haranguing crowd by gifted a better world. These are the impassioned visions and their faculty them to apportion which gave such an amount of to be able to Gandhi and Bill Gates which, at the base, were common altogether men.
Relational ease, the personality, and even the charm are only means. But the thought is an end. Means lacking ends do not carry out nowhere, and to mend its charm lacking having thought, it is a modest like leaving the Bertha Yucky to kill a mite. You would be surely bowled over to know the real digit people who have long-term plans (more than 1 or 2 years). That does not make much. People are attracted not the visionaries, because they give a management to their existence. They saves the sorrow to them to conceive their own projects, and their grant goals in the life. If you have projects, that you are ready to apportion them, and can “sell them”, if you are able to call upon imaginary people to predict to them what they wish more, you hold on them a fabulous capacity, and the things for your charm are extraordinary. You will be converted into a chief, somebody whom one has question for following, that one listens to, and that one admires.

The charm, it is a mixture of all that

To hold charm, one needs a mixture of all these elements. If you rely on you but that you are not interested in the others, or if you have a thought but are powerless to converse, you will not be converted into enigmatic. You want to be converted into that which one admires, that one listens to, that one respects, and which one seeks the company? And well, with the job!

Monday, 14 March 2011

3. Interest in the others

3. Interest in the others :-
This point vital, and too often is very neglected. Even if you manage to mend all the other points quoted here, if you not dredge up to sincerely interest you in the others, you perhaps keep up the illusion a few minutes, but you end by being catalogued like the ball of benefit. I by now discussed with people who were impeccably at ease in company, had things fascinating to tell, but which did not question me the least small question to know which I was, which I made, which were my projects, my passions, etc. In small! Who were not interested in me. Know which look that was done to me? And well, a fundamentally unpleasant look. I tested a faintness, nearly resentment with respect to these people if egoists. At first sight, they appeared very pleasant, but the more time voted for, plus my faintness grew. My only question was to take the broad one, and my only activity, in this social family member, was restricted to seek a pretext to leave. I also met people who had an immense talent to show at which point they were able. By crossing them, I said “Wow! This person is gifted/qualified/able/etc!” But these people especially left me a bitter taste in the mouth, and at all the question for passing from time with them. On the other hand, I by now crossed some enigmatic people, and their talent was very uncommon: with them, I felt gifted/qualified/able/etc In fact, it was incredible to note at which point their contact was pleasant, because they returned me what there was the best in me. It was absolutely not flattery, nor of kindness. Simply, they noticed my greater qualities, and mentioned subtly which point they their liked. Thus let us recapitulate. The first point, it is to be interested sincerely in the others. Accept the others such as they are, with their qualities and their defects, and will know that everyone with something of fascinating to tell. People are fascinating. If you do not feel interested, it of your fault, is then done an try. Be sincerely unusual. Place questions about the life of the others, their passions, their projects, their dreams, their activities, their trade, their family, their states of hearts. It is very vital to practice an active listening: be attentive and sympathizing. Even if the conversation seems to be only one exchange of banalities, made the try retain the principal contents of it. If somebody clarifies you an position of his trade, it is not so that you not dredge up it at the end of a few minutes. If it you question to somebody if it is married, or if it has family tree, you will have to dredge up it to question for news of its family to him the next time that you will meet it Then, you must make so that people smell themselves well with you. That they feel vital with your contact. It is a rare competence, I met it only at one handle of any person during my life. It claims much subtlety, and is hard to buy, but the things are striking. In fact, it is neither more nor less than one only one of its kind manner to make greetings. How to be caught there? It will be the theme of a in the offing detailed condition.

2. Increase your visibility

2. Increase your visibility :-
I by now met people who were phantom truths. Although having spent a few minutes in their company, I was hardly able to remind me their face. They were absolutely transparent, did not leave any trace in the spirit of those which they crossed, and it is hardly if they were noticed. At very rare people, that became nearly supernatural about it. They came, set out again, and nobody had even noticed them. I acknowledge that this type of competences can now and again be useful (as in class, when the teacher seeks somebody to go in the table), but it is not what interests us here.
If you want charm, you will need relational ease, and especially of the presence. You cannot wait in a corner by hoping for that your interior beauty will be noticed, that will not walk. Show! It is necessary that it is noticed you, that you are noticeable. In the evenings, there are that which observe, and that which is observed. Thus be converted into that there. While apt more noticeable, you will mark the spirits on several levels. Let us suppose that you make watch of a fantastic visibility during one evening or you do not know everyone. Initially, it will be simpler to you to tie new relations: people seek the company of those which have a fantastic ease social Ensued, when people reconsider with this evening, they will also reconsider with you. You will thus have manifest their memory, it is not brilliant, that?! How to increase your visibility? It is not so complicated, believe me. Do not hesitate to use all the directions at your disposal. To show to you, be dynamic, go, have the sure air of you, and adopt a vestimentary style which is clean for you. Make things, are that which dances like God, or made magic. To be heard, speak high, and even speak very small. Take active share with a conversation, and do not be frightened to speak. Launch subjects, tell fascinating things, droll anecdotes, mend telltale some your exploits (but made in a subtle way, not to pass for large heavy). Do not hesitate to use a strong voice, to be heard (always lacking misusing it, of course). Do not neglect the kinesthetic feelings, touch people on the back, the shoulder, the hand, the arm, etc. A unadorned contact by-Ci by-there will make miracles, in particular as regards seduction. Do not not dredge up that the body contacts are powerful trĂ©s signals. Use advisedly. To make you feel, you could perhaps use a light perfume? And for the taste…. Excellent, there, I leave it to you to find thoughts Some relatively unadorned techniques will make possible you to increase your visibility in an impressive way. Start by being really present. Stop preparation, go down again on ground, and are so that you make. Concentrate on the conversation in progress, focus at the time present. If you float, people will perseverant themselves some, and if you give the air not to interest you, you will not interest. Involve to be called people by their name, you will mark their spirit and their memory. It is a method which costs only one small try of memory, and which gives spectaculars results. Moreover, to retain the name of a person will force you to concentrate you and to interest you in it. Yours sincerely mend a vestimentary style. That does not mean that it is necessary to be converted into a make victim, but you must be converted into aware that your advent conveys a thought, and that people form an opinion about you in 30 seconds. You there can nothing, then accept it, and take time to look after your advent. Work your visual contact, until obtaining a frank and forthcoming glance. Do not be frightened to look at people in the eyes (lacking fixing them at the point to terribly place them at ease). A reducing glance is the best means to be converted into invisible. To increase your visibility will have a further look: you will be subjected to a stronger social pressure, i.e. that you will undoubtedly be converted into the target of observations, and will be more often judged that others. Wait trustful! If you show that you are at ease with that, you will prove that you are accustomed to being looked at, and your charm will go up out of arrow.

1. Mend your interior force

1. Mend your interior force :-
All enigmatic people that I met showed this characteristic: a strong personality. That does not mean that it were choleric, inflexible, after everyone. That means that their limits were well defined, that they knew what they wanted and where they went, and which one could always with what expect with them.
If you are enigmatic, you have firm opinions, because you reflected there lengthily, and are ready to defend them because you are convinced that they are worth the sorrow of it. That does not mean that you never exchange opinion by principle, but which you do not adopt an thought lacking y to have plotting front. You have strong principles, which you follow in all conditions.
You know what is right and what is not it, you know your limits, which you are ready to make or not to make, and it is consequently hard to make you exchange opinion.
You can not say when it is looked-for, lacking your interlocutor. As you do not doubt you, you do not feel the need to protect your small clean like at all costs. Consequently, you neither are limited neither inflexible, you are not any frightened to exchange opinion if you note that you are in the error, nor to acknowledge your small imperfections. You accept criticisms and do not be frightened to call you in question. Your interior coherencecharisma1 4 Keys of the Charisma enables you to act in accordance with your principles and with your principles. You are not frightened to jeopardize to you to take what you wish, because you rely on your faculty to fall down on your legs. You thus live peacefully in the certainty to be in the right way. You act in accordance with your thoughts, and you gradually buy a reputation of reliability and credibility. Your confidence in you is allowable not to incessantly seek the substantiation of your acts by others, but very surrounded by you. This interior force enables you to be converted into proactif and to take initiatives. When the others wait undecided, you are able to choose for them. This faculty to choose by you to even will confer a natural leadership you, and you will easily involve those which are less sure them. You are in fact a person of confidence, since you do not give your word nor do not make promises with the light one. You turn up per hour at your return, and keep to your commitments. As you are firm in your opinions and your decisions, the others know that you are reliable, that they can be pressed on to trust you and you. The other importance, it is that your words are listened to, since it is known that you do not speak in the air. It is thus simpler to you to make take into tab your opinion.

4 Keys of the Charisma

Please be converted into itself enigmatic? Please be accepted to you, respected, be listened, appreciated, like are people who have charm? Follow the guide, and find out the 4 keys of the charm.

The charm, it is one of these concepts that it is hard to define with words, but which one undoubtedly recollection when it is seen. Here the definition of the charm by the glossary:
Charm, (Greek): A only one of its kind divine gift which endows the recipient with a supernatural skill to know and proclaim the will of God. In small, a pipeline from God which mere mortals may not challenge.
Of this definition, I will retain primarily three things:charisma3 4 Keys of the Charisma
Aura: it is this small more, one impalpable but perceptible mixture which makes that the person is enigmatic.
Able to cause hold: Enigmatic people are those which one seeks the company, and which one has question for following.

People: The charm is a social competence by definition. You cannot be enigmatic if you live on a deserted island.
To help you in your research, here 4 principal qualities, in my opinion, that it will be necessary for you to mend:-

Key Protein for Brain Function Identified by Scientists

 A key protein that helps the brain transmit information was identified by British researchers, who said it could improve our understanding of neurodegenerative disorders.
The crucial protein maintains the function of nerve fibers that control the transmission of messages within the brain and allows it to communicate with other parts of the body,University of Edinburgh scientists said Sunday.

The fibers can measure up to a3.3 feet, but the area covered by the segment of nerve that controls the transmission of messages is no bigger than the width of a human hair, said the researchers, whose work was published in the journal Neuron.
Electrical impulses from the brain are disrupted in people who suffer from epilepsy, dementia, multiple sclerosis and strokes, which can lead to muscle wastage and an inability to control movement.
"At any moment, tens of thousands of electrical impulses are transmitting messages between nerve cells in our brains," said Dr. Matthew Nolan, of the university's Center for Integrative Physiology. "Identifying proteins that are critical for the precise initiation of these impulses will help unravel the complexities of how brains work and may lead to new insights into how brains evolved."
Professor Peter Brophy, director of the university's Center for Neuroregeneration, said, "Knowing more about how signals in the brain work will help us better understand neurodegenerative disorders and why, when these illnesses strike, the brain can no longer send signals to parts of the body."

How to Improve Your Brain Health?

A healthy brain not only improves your memory and concentration, it reduces the risk of Alzheimers and other diseases. Here are 10 ways to increase your cognitive skills.

Improving your brain health can protect you from dementias, increase your memory, and sharpen concentration. Everything you do affects your brain and intellectual skills.
“Whenever you read a book or have a conversation, the experience causes physical changes in your brain,” says science writer George Johnson, author of In the Palaces of Memory. “It's a little frightening to think that every time you walk away from an encounter, your brain has been altered, sometimes permanently.”
These expert-endorsed tips will improve the way your brain functions and increase your overall health.

10 Ways to Improve Your Brain Health:-

1. Do “neurobic” exercises to strengthen neural pathways. Certain cognitive exercises and brain games can create new associations between different brain parts, says neurobiologist Lawrence Katz of Duke University. Neurobics include getting dressed or showering in the dark, switching what you normally wear on one side to the other (e.g., put your watch or bracelet on your opposite wrist), using your opposite hand to brush your teeth, and cooking ethnic foods that you’ve never prepared before.
2. Limit your alcohol intake to keep your brain "big." The more alcohol you consume, the lower your brain volume becomes. Scientists at Wellesley College in Massachusetts found that low to moderate levels of alcohol helps protect your health from cardiovascular disease, but heavy drinking shrinks brains. These researchers define heavy drinking as more than 14 drinks per week, moderate drinking as 8 to 14 drinks per week, and low as less than 7 drinks per week. To improve your brain health, keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum.
3. Try something new to sharpen concentration. An active brain can slow the mental decline that comes with age. “A lifetime of good mental habits pays off,” says University of Alberta researcher Dr. Dennis Foth. “People who are curious at a young age are more likely to be mentally active and stay active as they age. And we found it's never too late to start. With a little effort, even people in their 70s and 80s can see dramatic improvements.” Memorizing poetry, learning a new musical instrument, or taking Spanish or French lessons are great ways to increase memory and sharpen concentration.
4. Smell the sandalwood to increase your memory. “Natural scents have a direct pathway to the brain and research shows that some chemical constituents of aromatherapy oils, particularly…sesquiterpenes can cross the blood-brain barrier and increase oxygen flow to the brain,” says Michelle Schoffro Cook, doctor of natural medicine and author of The Brain Wash. Extra oxygen increases energy, immune function, positive moods, and learning. Frankincense and sandalwood are particularly effective at increasing oxygen levels in the brain. Aromatherapy also decreases stress (and stress decreases brain health).

5. Do the tango to strengthen cognitive abilities. Dance requires twists and turns that strengthens brain connections. Learning the cha-cha-cha can nourish brain cells, which translates to cognitive skills in the real world. “Exercise can protect the brain against environmental toxins by counteracting free radicals and reducing inflammation,” says Schoffro Cook, author of The Brain Wash. Physical activity is one of the best ways to promote the growth of new brain cells and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

6. Sleep to boost memory. Your brain requires huge amounts of energy to function properly; sleep boost memory and allows your brain to process information. “Though it's not sexy, the traditional sleep advice is still effective,” says Dr Rachel Morehouse of the Atlantic Sleep Centre. Sleep little – if at all – during the day because naps rob you of sleep at night. To improve your overall brain health, get up and go to bed at set times. Stay active but avoid exercising in the evening because it keeps you awake. Wind down before you go to bed with music or a book. To improve your memory, enjoy healthy food, eat light meals at night, and avoid caffeine.
7. Volunteer to lower your stress and increase mental functioning. “Good Samaritans have been found to have lower stress levels and a sense of well-being, factors that add up to better overall health, including brain health,” says Schoffro Cook, author of The Brain Wash. The brain benefits of volunteering include increased mental functioning and better communication skills. The key may be in the “helper’s high” – the sense of calmness and well-being that comes from helping others. Volunteering can also improve your brainy health by raising your self-esteem and feelings of self-efficacy.
8. Socialize with people to improve your memory. Talking can increase memory and cognitive skills, says Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the University of Michigan. Further, he believes that visiting with a friend or neighbor may be as helpful as doing a crossword puzzle. About his study, he said, “Short-term social interaction lasting for just 10 minutes boosted participants’ intellectual performance as much as engaging in so-called ‘intellectual’ activities for the same amount of time.”
9. Strive for variety. Don’t rely on a particular practice, supplement, or food to improve your brain health. Instead, incorporate different activities into your life. For instance, take a child hiking if you normally spend time with adults; go for a run instead of the usual yoga class. The more you challenge your brain and body, the healthier and stronger they become. Playing brain games can also improve your brain health.
10. Reduce your exposure to neurotoxins. Harmful chemicals, food additives, and chemically altered ingredients can harm your brain and body health. While it’s not possible to completely eliminate pollution from your environment, you can limit it. Pure products, organic produce, natural fragrances, whole foods, and fresh air will improve your brain health and sharpen concentration

10 Things Her Body Is Telling You

They’re now and again subtle, but to the initiated man, these changes in physiology are signs of what she’s thinking and feeling.
If she’s feeling stimulated by you (not just sexually), her pupils will dilate. that’s because her body is plotted to want to see more of no matter what’s exciting her, so her brain tells her irises to let in more light. Bonus: As the inkiness spreads, she’ll start looking better to you, too. Research shows that men rate women with better pupils as more striking. time to make your go.
Eyelashesbody1 10 Things Her Body Is Telling You
Hold her stare for a minute. If she’s blinking more than habitual (which is about 15 times a minute), there’s a excellent chance she’s on the Pill; women on birth hegemony blink 32% more than those who aren’t. Aside from the evident, what does that mean for you? place on your toughest, most confident mug as you look at her. Because of the shift in hormone levels, research says, women on the Pill are more attracted to men with harsh facial appearance, such as strong, wide jaws.
She’s matching you drink for drink, you’re starting to feel like reenacting Animal House, but she seems like her same ancient self. What’s the deal? Men and women get uncommon kinds of buzzes: Men lose inhibitions, while women be converted into out cold. If you’re looking to get her into the party spirit, don’t feed her more alcohol. Instead, feed the jukebox. Research shows that mid- to quick-tempo music will make her more social.
Want to know if it’s a excellent or terrible time to broach a tough conversation? You can tell if she’s suitably relaxed by her breathing sample. If her stomach pulls in with each inhala­tion, she’s taking shallow breaths from her chest, which indicates stress. keep your space. If her abdomen and chest enlarge with each inhalation, she’s taking deeper, more rhythmic breaths—a sign of relaxation. Go for it.
Her sense of smell is sharpest first thing in the morning, which, aside from being a excellent wits to brush your teeth at once, makes it the best time to impress her with your culinary skills. that’s because 90% of taste is really smell. treat her to a breakfast in bed consisting of warmed banana-nut bread, which has an aroma that, according to one study, increases bloodflow to the vagina. and that may lead to a dif­ferent kind of morning treat.
Sex flush, a pinkish look to the skin of her chest, occurs during foreplay. It stems from changes in blood pressure and circulation, along with pulse and respiration rates. reckon of it as her coy way of telltale you that if you keep doing what you’re doing, you just might get lucky. a further sign that things are working:
A woman’s breasts grow by as much as 25% as things turn hot and heavy.
Small of her back
As she moves headed for orgasm during sex, she’ll start to arch her back. Hold her tight nearly the small of her back at this point and stay attuned to how much she’s arch­ing. And, for God’s sake, do not let up; keep up the same rhythm and intensity of stimulation until she climaxes. She’ll pay you back for this later, with interest.
Pay attention to her fingers; among the surest signs of anxiety or depres­sion in a woman are body-focused repetitive behaviors, such as skin alternative and nail biting. If you see her doing that, don’t nag her to stop; that can send her deeper into a spiral. Instead, gently pull her hand away, give it a squeeze, and hold on to it. Feel the tension ooze right out.
HANDSwomen execises
If it seems as if she always has cold hands, that’s because she does—nearly 3° colder
than yours, possibly more if she’s stressed. Women’s bodies, even more than men’s, are plotted to keep their cores warmer than their extremities. So to warm her hands up, don’t rub them; wrap your arm nearly her waist. this will warm her core and allow blood to flow back into her hands.
Between her legs
Okay, you know enough about your partner’s menstrual cycle to know when to leave her alone. Now add this to your arsenal: two weeks after her period starts, she will be at her horniest, guaranteed. Female sexual motivation is peak when she’s ovulating. Notification: this is also when she’s most likely to get pregnant.

Full Moon Effects: How Full Moon Can Affect Our Sleep

Does the full moon affect our sleep? How about the cycles of the moon? Many disorders seem to follow the phases of the moon. Cluster eadaches and epilepsy often follow this cycle. Women’s menstrual cycles tend to be very cyclic.
  • In fact, just 8 percent of those surveyed had harms sleeping while there was a full moon, compared to 25 percent who said they had a particularly excellent night’s sleep on the night of a full moon. Excellent night, moon.
  • Reuters intelligence that researchers with the Austrian Society for Sleep Medicine & Sleep Research examined the sleep patterns of 391 people in several European countries. About half the subjects had sleeping disorders, but no one knew the researchers were interested in the look of the moon. “When I deal with patients with sleep harms, so many say that the full moon stopped them (from) sleeping, that even I was expecting some small variation to show up in the study,” Gerhardt Kloesch, the Vienna Academe psychologist who led the current research, told Reuters.
  • Each morning when they woke up, the participants wrote in a diary an assessment of the previous night’s sleep, including quality of slumber and the length of time they slept. They were also equipped with movement detectors so the researchers could non-centrally measure whether their sleep was on edge or peaceful.
  • Although more data must be analyzed before firm conclusions can be made, Kloesch told Reuters he thinks those who delight in a siesta may have an subsidy when it comes to quality sleep time. “The Spanish subjects did appear to get to sleep more promptly and realize privileged sleep efficiency–sleeping time in terms of time spent in bed–than the Austrians and the Germans,” Kloesch said.
  • Full moon or not, it’s vital to get the right amount of sleep each night. If you sleep toofull moon modest–or even too much–you’re at a privileged risk for a heart hit. In a separate research study, doctors at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have determined that women who have a sleep imbalance–that is, sleep five or less hours a night or nine or more–run a greater risk of being paid heart disease than those who sleep eight hours a night. Why? They aren’t sure, especially for those who sleep too much. Reuters intelligence that while the study involved 121,700 female nurses that started in 1976, the results are likely to apply to men as well.

How to Sleep Better

Get on schedule. Varying your sleeping times by more than an hour can severely disrupt your sleep quality by "advancing the sleep phase". For example, let's say you normally wake up at 6 a.m. on weekdays to get to work, so you get to bed around 10 p.m. because that's when you start to feel sleepy (and it's also a good time to ensure 8 hours of sleep). If, on the weekend, you sleep in until 9 a.m., you probably won't be able to fall asleep that night until 1 a.m. again. In other words, your body thrives on running on a routine; erratic sleeping sessions will interfere with your internal "biological clock". For some people, and depending on work and routine, a very short rest in the afternoon (the Spanish call it the siesta) could help alleviate drowsiness some people experience during the day. But make sure not to oversleep.

Be mindful of what you have eaten or drunk before bed. Your stomach should not be too full, but not too empty. Wait at least three hours after dinner before going to sleep. Digestion doesn't work well while asleep, and a full stomach may interrupt sleep. Do not eat heavy foods for the few hours prior to sleep. Similarly, you should avoid going to bed on an empty stomach, as a completely empty stomach may equally interfere with your sleeping patterns.Switch to decaf coffee and avoid tea, cocoa and cola drinks. Caffeine can keep you awake even if you drank it earlier in the day, as the effects of caffeine last for about 8 hours. Avoid tobacco products in the evenings as well. Try to avoid drinking water or other fluids one hour before you go to sleep, but make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water during the day. A well hydrated body will not wake you up thirsty in the middle of the night. While alcohol will make you feel sleepy, it will reduce sleep quality. If you find that your stomach is grumbling for food and is keeping you awake, have a light snack about an hour before bedtime. Stick to foods that contain high levels of tryptophan, such as milk, turkey, yogurt, ice cream, soy beans, tuna, and peanuts. Tryptophan helps the body produce serotonin in order to relax.
Keep the room dark. Exposure to light during the time you're supposed to be sleeping can disrupt your body's internal cycles. This has been documented in studies surrounding circadian rhythms. Turn your light off, or use a very dim night light. Pull curtains across, blinds down or shut the shutters, to prevent outdoor lights from shining on you. If you wake up and see any kind of bright light, you'll have a much harder time falling back asleep. Try to eliminate all sources of light, including windows, LED clocks, computer lights and cable boxes; by covering them with heavy paper, cloth covers or blue tack.
Change your sleeping position. You may think that it's impossible to control what position you sleep in since you aren't fully aware of what you are doing, but it is possible and it can make a considerable difference. When you go to sleep, or if you wake up in the middle of the night, make a conscious effort to follow these guidelines until it becomes habitual:
  • Keep your body in a "mid-line" position, where both your head and neck are kept roughly straight. Don't use a flat pillow that causes your head to tilt down toward the mattress. Likewise, don't stack your pillows so that your head is propped at an angle.


  • Place a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side. This will support your hips and make this position more comfortable.

  • Place a pillow under your legs, if you sleep on your back, to take stress off your lower back.

  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach. It's difficult to maintain the mid-line position, and it is more likely to cause aches and pains. If you must, bend one arm upwards and place it under your pillow. This will help alleviate stress on your back and neck by slightly propping up your body on one side.

  • 5

    Maintain your mattress. Turn the mattress over every few months. Replace it after 5-7 years of regular use. If you feel springs or ridges beneath the surface when you're lying on the bed, or you and your partner roll to the middle of the bed unintentionally, it's time to go mattress shopping. You may also find that the mattress is to blame if you find yourself sleeping better in another bed.

  • 6

    Exercise. If you have a sedentary job, a lack of physical exertion may be reducing the quality of your sleep. The human body uses sleep to repair and recover. If there isn't much from which to recover, your body's sleep cycle could be disrupted. A day of physical exertion (such as taking a run or a swim) or, better yet, regular exercise can make for deeper and more restful sleep. Don't exercise right before bed to help you get to sleep; it tires out your muscles, boosts your heart rate, and makes you even wider awake.

  • Make note of unusual circumstances. Many outside factors can contribute to overall sleeplessness, including stress, certain illnesses, or short-term post-traumatic stress. Have there been any recent events or changes that have been troubling or otherwise preoccupying you? This issue may be following you subconsciously and interfering with your sleep. If the issue itself cannot be addressed or resolved directly, consider employing relaxation techniques such as meditation.

  • 8
    Take Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in your brain. The pineal actively converts serotonin to melatonin when it is dark, but when light is present it does not do so and the melatonin oxidizes back into serotonin. Artificial lighting (including computer or television monitors) can interfere with the synthesis of melatonin; supplementing with melatonin pills is a natural way to induce sleep, especially if you are physically tired at night but are still unable to fall asleep.

  • 9
    Visit your doctor. If you are concerned that you may have a sleep disorder, tell your doctor. Some of the most common sleep disorders are insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), restless legs syndrome (RLS), narcolepsy, parasomnias, and heartburn (acid reflux). If you are indeed suffering from and are diagnosed with any of these conditions, your doctor will recommend treatment accordingly.

  • 10
    Ask your doctor about non-addictive sleep aids such as Lunesta, if nothing else works.

  • 11
    Try plain antihistamine products (the ones that cause drowsiness) that are safe when taken without extra ingredients: no pain reliever, nor decongestant nor expectorant, etc. (Read the labels. Note: Check with your doctor if you take prescription drugs.). First try only 1/2 or even less of the usual dose to have less morning/daytime drowsiness. Half one kind with half of the other may prove desirable:
    • Corcidin-HBP (Generic: chlorpheniramine maleate, include ChlorTrimeton, or Equate Chlor Tabs)
    • Unisom-1 (Generic: doxylamine succinate, include Equate Sleep Aid)
    • also some people find Benadryl helpful for some time, but eventually becoming less effective as you build a tolerance (Generic: diphenhydramine-HCL, includes Sominex, Unisom-2, Equate Allergy Medication). This med should be used with care because you fall asleep quickly if you're sensitive (have not built up a tolerance), similar to passing out--so lie down to sleep.

  • 12
    Try tryptophan supplements. Tryptophan is the chemical in turkey that makes you feel sleepy after you eat. Tryptophan tablets are available at lower dosages at your family health food store and are available by prescription at more intensive dosages through your family doctor and pharmacy. The prescription is a high concentration intended to make you fall asleep more readily at nighttime.

  • 10 Exercises for BRAIN Better Focus and Concentration

    You can find strong powers of concentration in physically. When you are decisive and sincerely want to excel in your studies, pass an vital exam, or playing one of your favorite games; the power of concentration becomes available to you. This kind of concentration is raised because of some need, or question. Rising it in a systematic way, brings it under your hegemony, and grants you the skill to use it easily, with no exertion when you need it. Real and excellent concentration is developed at a snail’s pace, through daily work, and with only one of its kind exercises. It has to be approached in a reasonable and practical way.
    • When starting to learn to concentrate you have to find a suitable place where you can be alone and undisturbed. You can sit crossed legged on the floor if you can, or on a chair. Sit with spine erect. Take a few cool deep breaths and then relax your body. In your mind go through each muscle and part of the body and relax it.
    The following exercises must help you mend concentration skills:-
    Implementation 1:
    Brilliant some plotting and see how long you can hold your mind on it. It is nice to have a clock at first and keep track of the time.
    Suppose you choose to reckon about health, reckon of health as being a fantastic blessing in the world. Do not let any other plotting drift in. Just the moment one starts to obtrude, make it go away. Make it a daily habit of concentrating on this plotting for, maybe ten minutes. Practice doing this until you can hold it to the exclusion of everything else. You might have to do this implementation regularly for 10 days or more in order to grind your concentration skills.
    Implementation 2
    Take a book and count the words in any paragraph. Count them again to be sure that it was right. Start with one paragraph and when it becomes simpler count all the words on the page. Perform the together with mentally and only with your eyes
    Implementation 3
    Take a small unadorned object such as a spoon, a fork or a glass. Concentrate on it and watch the object from all sides lacking verbalisation, that is, with no words in your mind. Just watch the object lacking thinking with words about it
    Implementation 4
    Draw a small geometrical map, about 3 inches in size, such as a triangle, a rectangle or a circle. Paint it with any colour you wish and concentrate on it. Only see the map. Do not reckon any words, only the map exists. Watch the map in front of you and try not to strain your eyes.
    Implementation 5
    Concentrate on the Within. Lie down and painstakingly relax your muscles. Concentrate on the beating of your heart. Do not pay any attention to anything else. Reckon how this fantastic organ is pumping the blood to every part of the body; try to in fact depiction the blood leaving the fantastic reservoir and going in one stream right down to the toes. Depiction a further going down the arms to the tips of the fingers. After a modest practice you can in fact feel the blood passing through your logic.
    Implementation 6
    Watch Concentration. Sit in a chair and place a clock with a second hand on the table. Follow the second hand with your eyes as it goes nearly. Keep this up for five minutes, thinking of nothing else but the second hand, This is a very excellent implementation when you only have a few minutes to spare, if you are able to keep every other plotting in the stream of consciousness subordinate to it. As there is modest that is particularly fascinating about the second hand, it is hard to do this, but in the extra try of will power required to make it successful lies its value. Always try to keep as still as possible during these exercises.
    Implementation 7
    Close your eyes and start to visualize the digit one in front of you and say “one” in your head when you see it clearly. Allow the one to disappear and start to visualize the digit two and say “two” loud in your head when you see it. Do again this procedure up to 100 if you can.
    Implementation 8
    Brilliant an object like a half eaten cookie, a coin, a pen – anything – try to relax every muscle in your body and concentrate on the object. Start thinking about its shape, color, material etc and try to memorize its form. Then close your eyes and try to visualize it in front of you. If you can’t, open your eyes again and start over.

    Write a dream log each morning when you dredge up a dream and every night before you go to sleep, assess your day in back. This implementation will help you dredge up your dreams.
    Implementation 9
    Choose a spot on the wall and look at it – do not focus too much on it though. Erase all plotting from your mind and concentrate as hard as you can on your breathing. Hold on as long as you can.
    Implementation 10
    When You Read. No one can reckon lacking first concentrating his thoughts on the theme on hand. Every man and woman must train himself to reckon clearly. An exceptional implementation is to read an condition in a newspaper, and see in how few words you can prompt it. Reading an condition to get only the essentials requires the bordering concentration. If you are powerless to write out what you read, you will know you are weak in concentration. Instead of writing it out you can prompt it orally if you wish. Go to your room and give up it as if you were talking to some one. You will
    find exercises like this of the utmost value in developing concentration and culture to reckon.
    The Repayment of Developing Concentration:
    1. • Hegemony of thoughts
    2. • Peace of mind
    3. • Self-confidence
    4. • Inner strength
    5. • Will power
    6. • The skill to focus your mind
    7. • Better memory
    8. • The skill to choose and carry on your decisions
    9. • Better functioning in daily life, whether at home or work
    10. • The skill to study and comprehend more promptly
    11. • Stop being voted for away with every passing plotting
    12. • Freedom from needless and annoying thoughts
    13. • Reckon when you want to, about what you want to reckon
    14. • Inner happiness
    15. • Help in developing psychic abilities
    16. • More powerful and efficient creative visualisations and guided imagination
    17. • Right rumination
    18. • Spiritual enlightenment
    Place your whole attention into the exercises. Do not reckon about anything else. Be careful not to fall asleep, depiction or reckon about other matters. The moment you find physically thinking about something else, stop the implementation and start again. When you be converted into proficient, lengthen the time and, if possible, include a further session in the day. Do not attempt too much at the start. You may reckon the exercises are too unadorned and simple and try to perform them all at once. Go at a snail’s pace, do not overdo or tense you brain. Try to reach perfection before you go on to next implementation.
    If you find it too hard, or thoughts distract you and make you reckon about other matters, do not worry. Everyone encounters difficulties along the way. The successful ones are those who go on and never give up. If you persist in spite of difficulties and disturbances, success will crown your efforts.

    Human BRAIN Memory.

    Have you ever wondered why Homo sapiens are the dominant species on Earth? Humans are not the strongest nor are we the fastest. We cannot fly or swim without a machine and if confronted with a predator, we would be ill-equipped to defend ourselves without some sort of weapon. Humans dominate the planet because of our intelligence. Our species can build machines that allow us to hunt, fish, move underwater, and through the air. We can domesticate other animals for our food and service because of our relatively superior intelligence. One of the main reasons that we are more intelligent is because of the power of human memory.

    It Sets Us Apart
    While there are correlates in the animal world, humans are capable of speech and of holding a tremendous number of unique words in our vocabulary, both spoken and written. The human brain can form precise memories about social structure, mathematical concepts and spatial relationships. Through education and training we can expand and capitalize on our human memory to achieve great things.

    Understanding Memory:-
    Memories are created, stored and recalled by the brain but beyond that, our understanding of human memory is a not terribly clear. We do know that certain structures in the brain are critical for forming new memories. The hippocampus, for example, is essential to the formation of new memories and for placing memories into long term storage. Humans have a one hippocampus each side of the brain, roughly half way between the temple and the ear. Only one hippocampus needs to be functional for human memory. If both are damaged, say through surgery or stroke, the person can no longer from new memories lasting longer than a few minutes.
    The structures that participate in memory formation beyond the hippocampus are less well understood. Apparently human memories are not simply stored in discrete regions of the brain such that a small stroke could wipe out second grade. Rather the anatomical organization of much more complex than that. While the hippocampus is critical for creating human memory, once a memory is created its storage location can only be inferred.

    Elephant Memory:-

    Have you ever heard that an elephant never forgets? Perhaps this is because an elephant has an absolutely enormous set of hippocampi (the plural of hippocampus). Researchers use elephants to study the cellular basis of memory and apply these concepts to human memory. It has been shown that elephants, especially the dominant female of each social group, are capable of recognizing and storing information about facial identity and retain that information for many years. This memory allows the clan's matriarch to identify threats and friendly individuals in the local environment. While the natural tendency is to say that since the hippocampi of elephants are large, their memories are better or last longer but this is not necessarily the case. It is also true that other regions of the brain are larger in an elephant compared to a human brain. To the credit of this theory, the hippocampi in elephants are proportionally large, even for such a large animal and brain.
    Human intelligence is integrally dependent on human memory and our success on the planet is due, in large part to our ability to remember large quantities of information throughout or lives.

    Looking To Improve Your Memory?

    Improved memory can help you in many facets of your life. Having greater and quicker recall will give you an incredible advantage at school and at work. If you are looking for that advantage through increased memory there are three systems that I would highly encourage you to look at:
    • The Mammoth Memory Course - This is actually three courses in one. Mammoth memory teaches you how to increase your recall through many different techniques like 'Association' and training your sensory memory. Mammoth memory actually comes with 2 other courses FREE, Power Thinking and Lazy Learning, which give you practical tools to increase your cognitive skills and absorption. Check out their free preview!
    • Infinite Memory - Another extensive offering that includes loads of bonus material. At the core Infinite memory teaches you how to train your brain to remember using 5 central techniques or 'systems'; Link, Room, Alphabet, Phonetic and Body. Ryan Cameron, the author, believes (as do I) that the brain a;ready has the ability and capacity to be an incredible recall machine, it's simply a matter of re-asserting that ability. Take a look, and notice all the bonus material, it's a great value!
    • Memory Improvement - This is a combination of books and software. It was designed to get results in with the minimal of time investment, 5 minutes a day. But of course, there is no free lunch. You need to be extremely consistent with your training. This resource centers around 12 memory techniques and is bundled with the classic Roth Memory Course, among many other bonuses.
    If you are serious about increasing your memory power take a serious look at these courses. They all are RISK FREE and feature MONEY BACK GUARANTEES. If they don't work for you, let the sellers know and they'll refund your money! You really have nothing to lose.. but your memory!

    Cool Facts about Human Brain.

    Human Brain could hold an estimated 1 to 10 terabytes.
  • Your brain uses 20% of your body’s energy, but it makes up only 2% of your body’s weight.

  • Your cerebral cortex is about as thick as a tongue depressor.

  • Your brain is about 1300-1400 cubic centimeters in volume, about the size of a cantaloupe and wrinkled like a walnut.

  • the brain feels like a ripe avocado and looks pink because of the blood flowing through it.

  • Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you’re awake—enough to illuminate a light bulb.

  • A newborn baby’s brain grows almost 3 times in course of first year.

  • Humans have the most complex brain of any animal on earth.

  • Overexposure to aluminum compounds—in foil, cookware, deodorants, antacids, toothpaste—can affect brain function.

  • Lavender can help you sleep

  • A cooked potato can jump-start your brain when you’re feeling foggy.

  • The essential oil of jasmine can quickly restore mental alertness

  • Eating foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C may help lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • the "Human Brain" Diagrams

    Cortexes Map

    Diagramed above are some of the major cortexes and their locations. The cortexes are the outermost layer of the brain. These areas of the brain surface control different functions of the body and the mind.

    Brain Internal Structures

    This is what's known as a sagittal view of the brain. It's a length wise cross section of the brain. It gives us a look at some of the internal structures of the brain.

    Definitions of "BRAIN"

    "BRAIN" that a part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord. mental ability; "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense" . mind: that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head" . hit on the head . genius: someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius"; "he's smart but he's no Einstein" . kill by smashing someone's skull.the brain of certain animals used as meat. The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate, and most invertebrate, animals.Shepherd, Neurobiology Some primitive animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. The brainfuck programming language is an esoteric programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It is a Turing tarpit, designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and is not suitable for practical use. Its name has been variously bowdlerized.
    Brain (the industry standard name being Brain) is (in its first incarnation written in January 1986) considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS. It infects the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table (FAT) file system.
    The Brain is a fictional character, a supervillain in the and frequent enemy of the Doom Patrol. He is a French mastermind and criminal genius.
    Brain is a neurological journal published by Oxford University Press. It was edited by John Newsom-Davis from 1997 to 2004. Under his editorship it became one of the first scientific journals to go online.
    The Brain (French title : Le Cerveau) is a 1969 comedy film about a second train robbery by the brains of the Great Train Robbery.
    The brain, like most other internal organs, or offal, can serve as nourishment. Brains used for nourishment include those of pigs, squirrels, horses, cattle, monkeys, chickens and goats. In many cultures, different types of brain are considered a delicacy.Brain is a dog on the cartoon show Inspector Gadget. He is the pet of Penny, the Inspector's niece. Brain is unusually intelligent for a dog in that he is sometimes anthropomorphic. This may explain his name.